Friday, November 5, 2010

Thirty Days of Thankfulness: Day 5

Today I have the day off from the library, so I'm substitute teaching. I know, I know, days off are for lounging around in pajamas, watching movies, going to yoga class in the middle of the day... but I can't pass up the cash from subbing. Should I have said something like "I sub on my days off because I love children," or, "I just love maintaining a connection with the schools"? Those would be lies. I do love children, and a lot of times subbing is fun, but my real motivation is the money, especially with the holidays around the corner. Otherwise you can bet I'd be in my pj's or at yoga.

And I scored a great job today, teaching kindergarten at a school that is right across the street from a yarn shop. Guess where I'm going after work?

So today I am thankful for...
  • My Education degree and teaching license
  • Yarn shops
  • A strong school district (even the subs here are in a Union)
  • Public transportation (The #11 bus got me to work today!)
  • Recess


Anonymous said...

I'm thankful you'll be across the street from a yarn store too. Wait until you see
KLM's outfit!


Cassie said...

You're so thankful you did a repeat on day 4!!! woohoo!

Seriously though, I was at JoAnn Fabrics today (doesn't even compare to a wholey devoted yarn store) and I was getting overwhelmed with all the knitting projects I want to can such a simple thing as yarn make someone so happy?