Friday, November 11, 2011

Thirty Days of Thankfulness: Four on Ten Edition

Usually on the tenth of every month, I post ten photos of my day, as part of the Ten on Ten project. Yesterday was the tenth, and here are all the photos I took. In my defense, I had an all-day meeting and I didn't want to be the inappropriate person taking pictures during a meeting. Then I got to hang out with a sweet baby, and of course we were much too busy playing to even think about getting the camera out.

Garage roof dusted with snow :: Car heater turned up :: Knitting bag :: Teeny knitted gnome

I'm thankful for tons and tons of great ideas that were shared at yesterday's meeting (youth services librarians are a creative bunch, let me tell you!), and for the chance to play with Baby K, who is cruising around as if he's been walking all his life. He's also on the verge of talking... so fun.

Oh and I am thankful for the Meeting Miracle of yesterday. For a long time, I've been looking for a certain set of posters that we had when we were growing up. They're basically impossible to find. At yesterday's meeting, some people brought extra stuff to give away. I brought a really awesome tri-fold flannel board that we weren't using (it got snapped up right away) and two pitiful marionettes that no one wanted. The poor things are going to Goodwill later this weekend. But I scored-- you guessed it-- the entire set of posters. The whole set! They're not perfect but they're intact because they were laminated and honestly I think it was meant to be. I was so happy that I nearly hugged the librarian who put them in the swap pile. A Meeting Miracle, I tell you!


Case said...

Pictures of the posters please

Elsworth said...

Don't leave us hanging...what posters?

That gnome is the cutest.

Laura said...

amazing! I want to see pictures of your miracle posters, please. And I am happy you had such a nice day.