Friday, June 8, 2012

Ten Tens for a Very Wonderful Ten-Year-Old

This month, believe it or not, she's turning....

Because we love her so much, four friends and I teamed up to create this little package for her. 

What's this?!  A Queen Bee wallet?  Lucky girl!

But wait... there's more!  The wallet is packed with ten $10 gift cards to some of Macie's favorite places!

The line-up: Target, Barnes and Noble, Einstein's, Claire's, Starbucks, REI, Hobby Lobby, Little Man Ice Cream (local in Denver, where she lives), Noodles and Company, and Cold Stone.  

Happy happy birthday, Macie!  Enjoy your ten tens, and your tenth year of being you!


Kate said...

You are such a wonderful cleaver friend!

abcgirl said...

LUCKY girl! d'you think i could get 40 friends to give me $40 gift cards in a few years? :) i'd settle for the wallet. i have fond memories of my tenth birthday because i could just add a zero to everything (i'm 120 months old! I'm 3650 days old!).