Friday, March 30, 2012

Cranberry Oatmeal + Rain Boots

Every night, I set up our mini Crock Pot with oatmeal for the next morning. Last night (as part of my "Quick! Use up all frozen and canned items immediately so I can freeze and can some more this summer!" effort), a handful of frozen cranberries made their way into the Crock Pot. I added a little cinnamon and nutmeg this morning, and it was basically the best breakfast ever. Especially because it was rainy and cold and I took the bus to work. I was secretly happy about it, because it meant wearing my new green rain boots for the first time. I scored them at a thrift shop a couple of months ago. Aren't they darling? They're nice and tall so I can tuck my pants into them. No wet cuffs!

1 comment:

nichole said...

Those boots look so cozy!