Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Maxwell Street Finds

Last weekend, I ventured downtown to the annual Maxwell Street Days sale. It's always crazy and packed, but I still usually manage to find some good bargains.

I've been hoping for a while to replace my worn-out Keens. This picture doesn't make them look that bad, but believe me, they've got to go.

I was so thrilled to find not one, but two replacement pairs! One for summer...

And one for whenever... (I love these. I almost bought them full price a few months ago!)

My other great score of the day was this sweet tote bag for fifty cents! Can you believe it?

I also brought home two huge bags of art supplies for work and a couple of things from Urban Outfitters, which I have already worn. Hooray for bargains!


Laura said...

Good work! I never seem to find anything at Maxwell Street Days and the heat usually encourages me to stay away. I am so pumped for your lace up Keens. I tried those one at least twice at the Shoebox before finally realizing that my feet are just to narrow for Keens. Now I can admire them on your feet! p.s. cute bag for 50 cents.

Dr.Shazam said...

Okay--I don't know Maxwell Street from Rupert Lane, but that Old School Hip Hop bag is 'the shizzy!' You certainly are 2 Legit.

Anna said...

Score! Score! Score!