Monday, August 4, 2008

The Proposal

Karl's proposal was so sweet and clever. We had picked out a ring together at an antiques store, so it wasn't a complete surprise, but I never would have thought that he'd do it this way...
Karl and I like to go Geocaching (basically scavenger hunting with a GPS). One day in April, he suggested that we go out and find a few caches. He had written down two sets of coordinates from the geocaching website (or so I thought), both located on Picnic Point. We set off together and found the first set of coordinates way down a muddy bank, near the water. Under a fallen tree was a leaf-covered trash bag. Usually, caches are in metal ammo boxes, so I thought there was no way the bag was it. I told Karl the bag probably held a dead body, but he laughed and told me to take a look. Inside the bag was an elaborate picnic, including flowers and wine. We had our picnic on a rock, and then we went to find the second set of coordinates. The GPS led us out to the very tip of Picnic Point; in order to actually get to the coordinates, we'd have had to go out in the water (which was still icy). I was ready to give up, so I turned around to head back to the truck. Karl was standing there with the ring, smiling. He got down on one knee, said some very sweet things, and asked me to marry him. I said yes, of course!

1 comment:

Papa VonGeorge said...

Thanks for sharing your story. Its a good one. Check out my family's most eggsalad blog at
We made an addition last year!
-Papa VonGeorge
a.k.a. - Matt George