Monday, August 11, 2014

Announcing Your Pregnancy, Library-Style

1.  Gather some basic materials: 

Plain notecards (the kind that don't open) and envelopes

Book pockets and date due slips (we ordered ours from Demco); do yourself a favor and order more book pockets than you think you'll need for this project.  You'll likely find lots of uses for them!  These are the same pockets we've used for Advent calendars.  

An ink pad and date stamp (also from Demco)

Heart-shaped printable stickers 

2.  Stick the book pockets to the notecards.  

 3.  Find a typewriter (you might have to get special permission to use one in the back room of a library where you worked 10 years ago) and complete the title and author fields on the date due slips.  Use the date stamp to add your baby's due date to the "Date Due" column.

 4.  Add a date due card to each book pocket, and put each notecard in an envelope.

5.  Print the call number for books about babies (there are several; just choose one and know that no one is going to correct you, at least not out loud) on the heart-shaped stickers, and seal the envelopes with the stickers.

6.  Pop the cards in the mail and wait for a delighted response from friends and family! 

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